It’s with a slightly guilty conscious, then, that I admit to owning a necessary, but highly gluttonous, kitchen product namely, the gentrified industrial range (it’s insulated and will not catch on fire, so it’s not truly industrial or commercial). And let’s just say that the type of cuisine both women were/are producing would make even the fiercest food snob / “expert” salivate with envy. and only recently converted over to using a Kitchen Aid Mixer for pizza dough. My mother, for example, has never owned a dishwasher, chef’s knife, Boos cutting board, All-Clad cookware, etc. She used the knife to dice, chop, and slice and pretty much utilized the “cut into your pan or pot” method of cooking (the cutting board was decorative). Specifically, I remember my well traveled grandmother who prepared all of her food via an aged 1.5 foot by 1 foot maple cutting board and small plastic handled steak knife from Italy. Of course, the three kitchen tools in the previous sentence all work and do their respective tasks well, but the question every home cook needs to ask (just like any good consumer) is: do I really need a particular tool to cook and eat well?Īs an example, I turn to the many extraordinary home cooks in my family. I’m also a fierce believer in kitchen tools that have multiple uses (via Alton Brown’s mantra that single use tools don’t have a place in a home kitchen) and I cringe at expensive home cooking machines like the Sous Vide Supreme and gadgets like a mandolin or pizza stone.

I live by the rule that you don’t need fancy kitchen equipment to produce great food. A customer service call to Wolf / Sub Zero resulted in no solution (the call center is not equipped to help a technical owner troubleshoot his/her unit which is a major disappointment). The DF366, or 36 inch, 6 burner, Duel Fuel Wolf range with custom stainless steel burner lids Wolf Duel Fuel Range Reviewįebruary, 2015 Update: Our Wolf Duel Fuel Range (DF366) has now encountered an issue with the oven, in both convection and standard mode, where the unit cannot hold temperature and, in certain instances, cannot reach set temperature.